Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash
This week’s lessons and activities taught me different ways of evaluating multimedia and introduced me to several online tools that can be used to created VR or 360 tours. Below this post I have attached the web address to a 360-tour using Marzipano that I created using the provided photos from the activity.
Taking a look back at the H5P interactive video I created last week I can evaluate it using the SAMR framework for evaluating multimedia. I believe that my interactive video would fall under the category labelled as “Modification”. The interactive questions that have been added to my instructional video provides a transformation to the task which allows there to be a redesigned focus of the video. The video itself remains the same but anyone watching the video will be asked to interact with the questions that pop up in order to test their understanding of the important concepts within my created video. I chose the evaluation framework SAMR to evaluate my interactive video because it provides a good understanding of how the technology being used provides certain levels of purpose and functionality.
Finally, two multimedia principles that relate to the interactive H5P video I created last week are the “Signaling Principle” and the “Modality Principle”. People watching my video will learn better with cues (the questions) that help with the organization of the material and they will learn better having a combination of graphics and narration on screen rather than text or animations. Overall, this week adds to my knowledge of how to know if I am creating successful multimedia learning while having other tools such as Marzipano to enhance multimedia teaching.
Link to Marzipano tour: https://web.uvic.ca/~rmccue/360/connor-baldwin/
Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/hzp_aT02R48
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