Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
This week’s activities and readings looked at various learning theories and concepts related to how we learn. One of the concepts that was looked at is “Flow”. I think that we are talking about the concept of “Flow” in this class because it allows us to understand how to create the best possible learning environment for students while they participate in online learning. Being “in the zone” while working on school work not only allows students to be more focused on their work but improves the quality and overall enjoyment of the required activities. We are studying about learning theories in this class because many of the multimedia tools that will be explored throughout this class can be used for online learning, and knowing how we learn best can contribute to a successful learning experience.
The tool Hyposthes.is creates several potential benefits and drawbacks for online learning. The benefits include being able to collaborate with a class / group to annotate and reply to others in order to better understand a document or a piece of media that is being used to understand any given learning concept. The drawbacks of this tool are that if the engagement with a particular page is very active it can cause some clutter on the page if there are too many annotations / replies. Overall, this week’s topic helped me understand where and how we learn, in addition to how multimedia plays into the learning equation.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash
Love to Learn by Tim Mossholder: https://unsplash.com/photos/WE_Kv_ZB1l0
Collaboration by Krakenimages: https://unsplash.com/photos/376KN_ISplE
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