Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash
Welcome to my first weekly blog post for EDCI 337! One thing that I hope to get out of this class is learning how to use various forms of online resources for educational purposes. My experience in a similar course, EDCI 339, has made me realize the potential that exists with interactive online learning, and has made me appreciate the wide variety of free online learning tools that are available to the public.
An example of an interactive learning experience that I enjoyed happened recently, in the fall term during a workshop for TS 310. The instructor of this course, Rich McCue, introduced the class to Canva, an online tool which is used to make infographics and other forms of display. This experience was impactful because it helped me with my infographic portion of my assignments in that course, but it also introduced me to an easy-to-use tool that I can use in the future for designing well-organized and professional looking infographics. In previous classes I have found that using various forms of interactive and multimedia learning have enhanced my presentations that I have done in my first two years at UVIC. When presenting to students in University I found having various forms of media (images, videos, polls, etc.) can greatly improve the interest level of the students and most importantly the professor. Overall, the videos and readings from this week got me more excited to learn more about the topic(s) to be covered in this course!
Canvas photo by Z S on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/photos/pCFw8nlNS9c
Online Learning photo by Avel Chuklanov: https://unsplash.com/photos/DUmFLtMeAbQ
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